Monday, March 15, 2010

If your crown breaks

Tip for handling a broken crown.

If your crown breaks, especially when it's in the front part of your mouth, it can surely end and otherwise nice day; however, here are some tips that may help the immediate problem.

For save the fractured piece of porcelain. Sometimes a dentist can recement the broken piece until the crown is remade but if your tooth is sensitive, it may be because the inside part of the tooth or dentin is exposed or the tooth was damaged in the accident that fractured the crown. In either case, see your dentist as soon as possible .

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Advantages VS Disadvantages of Dental Crown

Advantages after you already did the crowns teeth can be lightened or whitened to any desired shade, the dentist can improve shapes of teeth during this process, some realignment or straightening of teeth is possible longest life of any restoration.

Disavantages is crowns can fracture , requires an anesthetic. Original tooth form is altered (possibly involving the nerve) . If tissue shrinkage occurs, it can expose the junction between tooth and crown, allowing for the possibility of an unsightly line. Crowning is not permanent , there is limited esthetic life expectancy (but if you keep clean well take care of it, no infection the crowns can last you more than 10 years this is what is my experience)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Five treatments for stained teeth

Scaling and Polishing

Do you know there are generally five ways to treat your stains of treatment depends on the cause and degree of discoloration. Scaling and Polishing is the simplest method when your teeth need to clean of some food and drink like coffee , tea or smoking . Not all the time Scaling and Polishing they maybe can't removed so easily. You may be treated by another alternative.

Why teeth stain?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

How much do denture cost?

Dentures cost is depending on the type of dentures you are chosen for our clinic we have 4 types of dentures to sevice you like partial denture , chrome denture, flexible denture and Titanium denture. If you are looking for budgets denture, partial denture are affordable option for you.

But most of our patients concern about how long do we need get ready for a new denture for them. The answer is about 3 weeks to get ready for issue.

First of all, you need to call to make an appointment , consultation with the dentists. The 1st appointment consists of an oral examination and and a set of impressions of the upper and lower edentulous ridges. It takes 2 to 3 days to go for the 2nd visit.

The 2nd appointment consists of deciding how "long" to make the teeth, determining the plane of the tooth setup, and the bite of upper and lower teeth so that when you bite together, the upper and lower teeth line up correctly. This is called "wax-bite".

The 3rd appointment is called the "wax try-in". When the lab returns the loosely fitting tray from the 2nd appointment with the actual final plastic teeth lined up along the outer edge of the wax rim. The wax try-in looks just like a real denture, except that the base fits loosely on the gums, and the teeth are embedded in wax instead of plastic.

The 4th appointment is for the issue denture. So that when the patient walks out of the clinic with new dentures.

Cost of full denture our clinic starts from $600/-

Monday, July 13, 2009

Cost of Maryland Brige

Maryland Bridge

A Maryland Bridge is a type of bridge and is the simplest and least invasive. It relies on adhesion (stickyness) a metal wing is attached to the new tooth and this metal is stuck to the back of your adjacent tooth.

The advantage is that the adjacent tooth needs only a little tooth removal.

The disadvantages are this metal wing can become unstuck and sometime the adjacent tooth gets a greyish appearance as the metal can sometimes shine through the tooth.

For the cost of maryland bridge starts from $800/-.
( 7 - 10 days )

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tips For Patients Who Have Bonding

  1. Do not chew.
  2. Brush normally.
  3. Floss your teeth at least once daily. (Pull floss out horizontally, but not vertically.)
  4. Take multi-vitamins two times daily for one month before and after treatment if gum tissue is inflammed.
  5. have your teeth cleaned at least three or four times yearly.
  6. Make sure you are not grinding your teeth at night. If you are, have your dentist construct a bite guard to avoid fracturing the bonding and minimize damage to your bonded teeth as well as your temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
  7. Do not bite your fingernails. The force can crack the bonding.
  8. Do not pick at a newly bonded tooth with your fingernail.
  9. Do not try your new teeth out too soon.
  10. To prevent staining try to avoid or keep to a minimum coffee, tea, soy sauce, colas, grape juice, blueberries, and fresh cherries.
  11. Do not smoke.
  12. To prevent fracture, avoid directly biting, with front bonded teeth, into the foods.