Thursday, May 21, 2009

Confidence Smile

Most of the Asian women who see me for a makeover would ask for white teeth - the whiter the better. That's easy to understand. Dark-coloured teeth look dirty and worn with age. However, most of them also want small teeth - the smaller the better. That's horrible. When you restore their teeth to their natural form, they complain that they look like Bugs Bunny. But do people really look like Bugs Bunny when their teeth are "large"?
In a normal upper to lower jaw relationship, the upper teeth should overlap the lower teeth. Your upper teeth front teeth should dominate your smile.

A full, beautiful smile should look something like this. Don't ask your dentist to set your upper and lower teeth edge to edge. Always have the upper teeth overlap the lower.

Does she look like Bugs Bunny? I don't think so.

With the focus zoomed out of the face, the "large" upper front teeth harmonise perfectly with the face.

Even with the lower jaw hanging, as if in shock, the upper front teeth should dominate.

Location: Japan

by New Age Cosmetic Dentists.

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